
On a Putnam County farm in the early days of October’s bright blue weather, Catherine Leah Taylor first saw the light of day. She was one of a family of eight children of John G. and Margaret (Catherwood) Taylor. Of these only Albert H. Taylor of Roachdale survives.

She married Edward L. Stultz, May 29, 1885. In his home she found Charley, a young man, Luther, a robust boy, and Orrie and Maud, just leaving babyhood. The way in which this bride took these children to her heart and kept them so is evinced by the affection they still hold for her and their present sorrow.

She was the mother of Fred, Fay, Albert, Mary, Edwin, Clarence and Edith. The husband, Fay and Edwin greeted her last Tuesday morning.

She was born, October 2, 1852, and passed through the veil April 14, 1931, having seen seventy-eight years, six months and twelve days. At an early age she united with the church and either attended or devoted her time to making it possible for her children to do so.

To say her life has always reflected the golden bury and the bright sunshine of the month in which she was born is but a feeble effort. The happiness of her children and the smiles of her grandchildren were her ambition and her satisfaction. A neighbor in need of assistance, a wanderer at the door, elicited her sympathy and assistance. To all of us she was daily proof that he who loseth his life shall find it.

Mother is gone but we are grateful to the Almighty for having left her with us so many years. And, though she now enjoys her reward, our memory of her is ever joyous, our indebtedness to her is ever keen, and her smiles and optimism are ever present. These alone are a monument that cannot be duplicated. With breaking hearts we bid her earthly temple good-bye knowing that her watchful care over us continues, and bow in humble submission to Him who knoweth best.

Her Children

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