
A Letter From Samuel Taylor

January 1st, 2017

Want to know more about the Taylors?
John and Margaret had six children. The oldest was Samuel Joseph Taylor, born October 13th, 1842.
Samuel was named for John’s brother, Samuel, who was a blacksmith, and his middle name, Joseph, was of course, for his grandfather, Joseph Taylor.

On October 13, 1868, Sam married Kate Vermillion. They had 2 children: Arthur and Maud. Oma remembers Maud, and I have pictures of all of them. Arthur married a girl named Lyda and they had a son named Clyde.

Although they lived a long time ago, it wasn’t the dark ages. People had to work and they had to find jobs. There were cities and city jobs just as there are today. One of Oma’s treasures is an old letter from Sam to his mother, Margaret Catherwood Taylor, dated October 20, 1897, just a little over a year before she died at age 95 or so. It was from Muncie, Indiana where Sam was working and was written on hotel stationery. Sam may have been in traveling sales, from the sound of his letter. He must have been around 55 when he wrote it.

The script is a little difficult to read, but I have transcribed it below. It is a very sweet letter from a son to his mama. Can you imagine your mama hopping on a train at age 94 and traveling into a big city to meet her son for lunch?

The Braun House
Cor. Washington and Mulberry Sts.
Andrew Braun

October 25, 1897

Dear Mamma,

There was an excursion train from here to Indianapolis yesterday and I went home, was there about 9 hours, found home folks well, but Clyde has a cold and has not been well all of last week. Maud was not well when I left home one week ago, but she was looking fine yesterday. I am in excellent health and am doing a fairly good business, think I will do a good business this week. I expect to be home Saturday next. So if you feel inclined just come over and take dinner with me.
It is very dry here. They have not had any rain for so long they have forgotten when.
Tell some of them at home to write occasionally. I would be glad to hear from them.
Bye bye for the present. Your boy,
Sam Joe.

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